Please excuse the poor photo quality. I found this fun shadow when checking on my little one and didn’t want to risk waking her up. I love surprises.
Wrong, but…
I seem to spend a lot of my time teaching lessons on sharing. Obviously, someone was listening. Okay, so they have 4 legs, but they share really well.
Making Room for the Mess
In this month’s issue of Impart Magazine (which, by the way, is being offered for free at the moment) I wrote about The Dirty, Messy Truth About Lesson Planning. Planning makes me happy, but you know what? Our lesson reality
Cold? What makes you think that?
Outwitted Again
My kids asked if I would pay them to clean the leaves off the driveway. “Sure!” I said, proud of their industriousness and looking forward to a quiet Saturday morning. I walked over to the shed to find a few
Bye-bye thumb
First night not sucking her thumb to fall asleep. Sigh … Is it wrong that I kinda’ wish I could keep her little forever?
The Importance of Imagination
I’m lousy at pretending. Sad, but true. My husband loves to crawl around on the floor pretending to be “mousey” with the kids, and my oldest has a passion for storytelling that causes her to fall asleep and wake again
Momma, I found a HAT!
Anniversary Céilidh
Okay, so we were far too silly to call our antics actual dancing, but it was lots of fun anyway. Happy 1st year Mike & Kelsey!
When You Wake In The Middle Of The Night
Sometimes you get blessed with a beautiful surprise. I love seeing the moon through fog. ~ one of the many things that make me happy.