I have always found early mornings to be a good time for reflection. There is plenty of time for me to think while sitting up with an early-bird child or finishing up my exercises.
Sifting through my thoughts this morning, I idly flipped through old photos looking for a way to entertain my littlest and realized that when I imported from blogger, some of the oldest posts never made the transfer.
So, for my own entertainment, this is our adventure to the Robert Frost House almost exactly 5 years ago. I still can’t get over how similar it is to my own old farm house.
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June 14, 2008
Today the kids and I went to Robert Frost’s Farm in Derry, NH.

For any of you who visited us on Becker Street – It’s the SAME HOUSE flipped backward! (check out the sketch in the link I posted above) Not only the layout, but everything: it had the same 2 pane windows, same mouldings around the doorways, same skinny staircase with the same newell post downstairs. It was eerie!
It’s not like this was a tract house, these are 120 year old farmhouses, usually built by the original owner. Either Sears & Roebuck was selling many of these products, or both houses were built by the same family & friends. What a strange coincidence.
The kids had a great time looking at all the “old stuff” and really enjoyed walking on the trails and having a picnic in the field. The unexpected highlight for both of them was finding a snake that was immediately dubbed “Wallace.” The snake spent over an hour sitting on the stone wall staring at us while we stared back.
Unfortunately, we took a different car today (mine is in for repairs again) so we didn’t have our pencils to draw him. Instead the kids got the thrill of using mom’s camera and we took his picture instead. He is hiding on top with his head to the left of the center rock, and his body on the right.
Go figure – bring them to a great historical building and what do they enjoy the most? Being outdoors!
Robert Frost would be proud.