Roof obliterated Windows shattered Furniture ruined Water damage Children frightened Pets failing Fighting insurance Leaving home Searching for safety and trying to go on I can’t
Nim’s Island Activities – Chapters 13&14

~ Preparing for Emergencies ~ “The birds say there’s a storm coming. GO TO THE EMERGENCY CAVE.” It is vital that children know how to respond to emergancy situations. Sometimes we get specific instructions, like Jack’s warning to Nim above,
New Smile
The tooth fairy made a visit to our house this week. I just adore this new smile!
The tornado that hit Mic’s house & Nim’s Island-Ch 11 & 12

~ Understanding Fear ~ Fear can either protect or paralyze us. In these two chapters of Nim’s Island, and in real life this week, we learned about the difference. Nim is kid, on an island . . . alone. She
4 month old milestones
Our little one has been learning so quickly lately! At almost 4 months old she is capable of so much more than a few weeks ago. To my husband’s delight, baby took her first swim this weekend. He loves
Nim’s Island Activities – Chapters 9&10

~Bioluminescent Plankton~ Well, it has been a hard week here in our house. I have had some pretty severe hip problems that we still haven’t completely figured out (not a pinched nerve, not a broken bone, not a hernia), but thankfully
Canine Theology
A spelling lesson, bible study, and heart warming story all in one. I love it! Take a look: PS – Aunt Claire, this one is especially for you. XOXO
Nim’s Island Unit – Chapters 7&8

~ Galileo the frigate bird & Galileo the scientist~ Nim’s friend Galileo is a unique bird. Although he is a tropical sea bird and feeds primarily on fish, frigates are uniquely designed to be lousy swimmers. Their legs are short,
Fun with Dad
When Daddy gets a week off, everyone gets a vacation in our house. Playing the coconut-coffeepot-countertop drums in celebration of a rare “Home Day” for everyone Visiting the museum of science and pretending to be a bird . . .