I got a text from my sister last night. She said that she was feeling guilty because she hadn’t sent all of her thank-you notes out yet. This is the sister whose family just LOST HALF THEIR HOUSE in a
If you know anything about me, you know that I adore my sisters. I love spending time with them, talking with them, sharing complaints, excitement, and laughs. I love that they will drop everything they have planned for the
School is Cool
September again! The kids were excited to see their friends again – bouncing around in the back seat of the car for the entire trip. Check out the necklaces in the photo below. The kids made them at the breakfast
Nim’s Island Activities, Chapters 15&16

~ Learning about the author, Wendy Orr ~ As a final wrap up to our summer book group, the kids were asked to write a letter to the author of Nim’s Island, Wendy Orr. Kids are so creative. One wrote it