There is nothing like a new baby to help you to realize just how amazing that first Christmas really was.The reality of giving birth – in a stable!?! The joy of welcoming a tiny perfect being. The fear of having to flee to another country to keep that child safe. The joy of seeing your baby grow into a person with their own calling from God – one that you aren’t sure that you are really comfortable with.
Mary’s job as Jesus’ mother amazes me. How do you raise your baby knowing that he is God? Really – how?
The bible tells the story this way in Luke:
The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Simple Huh? She gave birth, and took care of her child – even though the circumstances were, quite literally, stinky.
Our baby is now 8 months old. She smiles, sits up, reaches for us, and loves to play peek-a-boo. She is adorable! But, she is also very dependent on us.
In all reality, the savior went through this same stage. He needed his mother to take care of him. We don’t have any details about Jesus as an infant other than his birth, but I am just awed by the reality that he bothered with the whole thing at all. Can you imagine, being all knowing, all powerful God, and deciding to place yourself in a position that requires dependence on your own creation?
Glory to God in the highest!
He is an awesome and amazing God.