Baby’s first birthday. We have gone from midnight feedings and swaddling, to playing peek-a-boo and chasing the dog in what seems like the blink of an eye. I remember giving away baby clothes and toys just a few short months
Pink Puppy Party

Baby’s first birthday. We have gone from midnight feedings and swaddling, to playing peek-a-boo and chasing the dog in what seems like the blink of an eye. I remember giving away baby clothes and toys just a few short months
Over the past few days our road and driveway have been in the process of being ripped out so that a drainage pipe can be placed under the road. The drainage pipe is for the new road that they recent
I’ve always had kids who love to take things out of boxes. This one is the exact opposite. She loves to put things away.Check out how fast that block is moving. This is serious business. Very helpful. Thanks Baby!
It is early Thursday morning and I am in my rocking chair with my laptop and a cup of coffee. It is so silent in my home that it almost feels as if I am somewhere else. Somewhere relaxing. A
Look who is on the move! This is one first that I’m ambivalent about. It is fun to see her happy face when she accomplishes her goal, but a walking baby is a dangerous baby. From this moment on, our
I don’t prioritize well. I love to plan, to organize, to think about better ways to get things done, but when the rubber meets the road I really have a hard time getting the most important things done every day.