Look who is on the move! This is one first that I’m ambivalent about. It is fun to see her happy face when she accomplishes her goal, but a walking baby is a dangerous baby. From this moment on, our little girl will be independent, which means that she will be getting into things. Bye-bye books on low shelves. No more cups left on the coffee-table. Time to lock up the cupboards.
We will have to hold her hand to cross the street, chase her through grocery aisles, and search frantically when we loose sight of her at the playground.
1st Steps
Go Aubrey and Congratulations! Another milestone. Gee, wasn't it just last week the doctor said you were big enough to be in the first percenttal. Look how BIG you are now. Go baby Go!!!!!!
Awwwwwww. I am so happy and sad! It if fun to see her grow, but I really wish we could keep her little too! I miss you tons and tons. Give kisses to the kids for me! xoxox