Things have been hectic around our house. Between refinancing our home, beginning the school year, returning from vacation and dealing with a sick baby, the house has simply fallen apart from neglect. While ironing in the WEE hours of the
Marco Island
My mind is a little mushy after traveling with little ones, so I asked my daughter to share the highlights of our trip. She happily dictated this list of “best stuff.” So according to my 7 year old, the best
Pip-squeak Photographers
I realized recently that my kids can take photos that I can’t. They look at the world from a different angle (quite literally) and people just act differently when a kid points the camera at them rather than an adult.

Once your child receives his first pocketknife, your world will never be the same again. Bread bags suddenly become much too hard to open by hand . . . “lets just cut it!” —(Okay in theory, but just try closing