School success: “Hey mom, if everything is made up of atoms, and atoms have electrons, and moving electrons are energy, is that what we use for power in our house?” School fail: Sitting down to do math with goggles and ear
Ready or Not

School success: “Hey mom, if everything is made up of atoms, and atoms have electrons, and moving electrons are energy, is that what we use for power in our house?” School fail: Sitting down to do math with goggles and ear
The phrase “I don’t really understand art,” is one I hear often. Over the past 3 years of teaching at SKETCH I have found an interesting paradox. The most common statements I hear from kids are “I love stories,” and
I love the summer because of all the great fresh veggies coming in from the garden, but if I have to figure out one more creative way to eat zucchini I think I may start to look like this fellow
Have you figured out that my husband never does anything halfway yet? The kids’ tree house is no different. What started out as plans for a simple treehouse as part of our summer Physics Playground project, has turned into a huge
How often do you feel like you are drifting from one priority to another, never quite accomplishing what you set out to do? All of us are busy every day, but it seems as if few of us feel
I just realized that my kids have never received a prize in the bottom of their cereal box. Do you remember those? Rushing to be the first one to open the box. Pouring very slowly and carefully while peering up
Sometimes my friends laugh at my wacky ideas. Sometimes they copy them. So, what do you think? Ingenious or unnecessary?