Sometimes the simplest things are my favorite. “Jesus Loves Me” is a great example. It is my all time favorite song.

“Jesus Loves Me” was written as part of a story for children many years ago. It told of a young boy so sick that his doctors could do nothing more to heal him. His teacher, knowing the boy’s fate, sings to the child of God’s love and heaven’s splendor. Simple words with a massive impact.
This song reminds me of VBS and choir when I was a kid. It is the song I sang to myself while in labor for my son (yeah, I sing silently when I’m in pain – weird, I know). It is what I hummed to my babies night after night as I rocked them to sleep. It is the song that my little ones all sang in their tiny 2 year old voices. Is there anything cuter than a sleepy “dis I knowwwww!” coming through the baby monitor?
I guess I have passed on my love for “Jesus Loves Me” to my daughter. When I asked her to write about her favorite song, this is the paper she handed me:
That was the moment that I knew I could believe her passionate request to be baptized. She seemed so young, and her brother even younger, but on their own they had each approached our pastor after church and asked to be baptized. It took me a while to become convinced. We studied together, prayed together, and well…

Wow! I now have two new reasons to love those familiar words.

Jesus Loves Me
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One thought on “Jesus Loves Me

  • September 6, 2011 at 7:55 PM

    Praise God for their love. It was a wonderful day to see them get baptized.

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