Wire surprise

As you probably figured out from the Decoder Scratch Card invitation directions that I wrote about a few weeks ago, my son decided on a spy party theme for his birthday this year. It was a blast from beginning to
Staying up after bedtime to play in fresh snow. Childhood bliss!
Or, at least my daughter thinks so. She was having trouble keeping her ear-buds in, so I used pony-tail elastics to hold them on to her headband. She has since been telling everyone about the amazing headphones that I “invented”
Having a preschooler in the house can be a challenge during my older kids’ school time. I have found that one of the easiest ways to keep my little girl occupied is to capture her imagination with a great children’s
I am probably the world’s strangest blogger. I own a laptop, iPad, and smartphone, yet I choose to do most of my writing with a pencil. There is no accidental publish with a pencil, and no way to get distracted.
My little secret agent requested a spy party for his 9th birthday, and insisted that his invitations needed to include multiple codes and activities. We put the most pertinent details in “mirror code” just to make sure that there wouldn’t
Gustav Klimt 1862 – 1918 Austrian Metallic hues, areas of detail, distinctive backgrounds, and symbolism are all key stylistic components of Gustav Klimt’s work. His paintings and murals provoked opposition in his day, but are widely popular now, and they have
Pocket-cellphone-ography at its finest. I love the pretty shades. I also changed my wallpaper, called a friend, and entered a stranger (probably in Zimbabwe) to my contacts on the same day. I have a very talented pocket. Unfortunately, my intentional