Yup. That teal thing way up there on the crane is a porta potty. Is it pathetic that this made me laugh out loud? I should have taken a photo from further back – the scale is off when you
Is That Really?

Yup. That teal thing way up there on the crane is a porta potty. Is it pathetic that this made me laugh out loud? I should have taken a photo from further back – the scale is off when you
How many times have you seen this? Your toddler happily pulls out a coloring book but after only a few strokes they crumple their paper and leave the table deflated. An older child sits it in front of a sheet
There are a lot of homeschool productivity suggestions out there. Some advocate better routines, others ask readers to peer deep into their inner self and consider why they let certain tasks slide. Usually they advocate making a major shift in
When the snow melts we always discover something; a lost mitten, forgotten toys. This year we discovered something entirely different.My best guess is voles (sounds so much more inviting than mice). More than a few by all appearances. Sigh… Anyone
January. Time to get back in the swing of things after a long holiday break. I always find myself re-thinking our school at this time of year. Staying motivated at the mid-point of the year is always tricky. Momentum is
Cow fur sneakers are a great example
There is something beautiful about burning up last year’s bills. ~ Lots of great stuff coming in the new year! Subscribe now.[subscribe2][subscribe2] Happy New Year!
I just love the traditions of Christmas. All the lights, special events, and food (mmm… especially the food) make me happy. Finding and decorating the “perfect” tree. Our annual Christmas-eve-eve pajama party with the cousins. The kids watched A Charlie Brown
The Father of Modern Art. What a weighty title Paul Cezanne (France, 1839-1906) earned for himself. It certainly wasn’t easily obtained. Have you ever doubted yourself? Paul Cezanne struggled with many uncertainties throughout his life. He endured the skepticism of his
The beginning of each new year is a time when we often think about how we can improve, refine, and develop our goals. We make plans to improve ourselves, improve our homes, and improve our world. I recently learned