Sometimes you get only one shot.
Annoying branch

Sometimes you get only one shot.
Train sabotage. Close encounters with torpedoes. A missing child. Our good friend Mr. Fred regularly delights my family with visits over breakfast where he has slowly shared many tales of his childhood during the 2nd World War. His story is
I wholeheartedly believe that a thorough education in the arts (music, dance, theater & visual arts) is an essential part of childhood. I should clarify that I don’t mean listening to music in the car or playing with crayons on
“Ya’ done good kid.” A phrase that melts my heart. My dad doesn’t speak like that. In normal conversation you will never catch him with wacky grammar, but somehow this phrase became his trademark compliment. After piano recitals, final exams,
My son has been reading spy books by the dozen and has been excitedly trying out new disguises. He printed out these ridiculous paper glasses from DesignHouseDigital … I think the disguise is working.
Bubonic plague, concentration camps, slavery … history is often dark and full of tragedy. Knowing how and when to introduce difficult topics without creating fear can be tricky. Living with sensitive kids has taught me a lot. Here are the
I currently have a folding table set up in the middle of my living room. On it are heaps of paper, books, photos, ticket stubs, and projects. By the end of the night those bits and bobs will all find
My 17 year old “puppy.” She will be dearly missed.