*No children were harmed in the making of this photograph.
That could have hurt

*No children were harmed in the making of this photograph.
We all have routines – some work, some don’t. I have been working really hard lately to get things done. My big project, that I mentioned a few weeks ago, really needed my attention, but the parts and pieces were
We are often able to cleverly hide our school projects. Now is not one of those times. Care to guess what we are studying?
Parents Beware! Melt-down season is upon us. Holidays are the mortal enemy of routine, and when kids get stressed by all of the extras of the holidays, melt-downs, sometimes of epic proportions, are the inevitable result. This time of year is
It is our honor to remember those who have served, were wounded or died for country. Today is Veterans Day. Please join me in praying that the Lord would protect our troops as they protect us.
We’ve had a really unusual week. Why you ask? Well, this week I saw Aerosmith Kids playing in the street …and on the roof Mitt Romney … and Kid Rock. Oh, and We also
Have you ever gotten so far behind on a project you were passionate about that you completely forgot about it? I have. Learning to prioritize is a skill. A hard-earned skill that I am continually working on. I think I
My heart jumped into my throat when I heard, “Mom! Mooom! Stop the car. NOW!” stage whispered from the back seat. I slammed on the brakes, knowing that it was important for me to listen, but not knowing why. Then,
As I listen to the breath of Hurricane Sandy beat on my windows, I sit snug in my cozy corner of the living room, editing pictures and chatting with friends on the phone. It is almost strange to think that