My kids come from a long line of collectors. Stamps, shells, stickers, tools, nothing is safe with us. Their daddy once even owned a stump collection (yes, STUMP, as in the bottom of a tree, and he posessed several). Each
1st Cmas catalog
Our first christmas catalog of the year arrived this week. The kids spent well over an hour circling their favorite items and I spent that hour drinking coffee and reading. Aaahh…
Towel Fashion
Dear daughter, When I asked you to help your little sister find something to wear, I didn’t realize that you would take me seriously. I expected that you would find something in her closet to dress her in. I did
Nothing beats a good box.How else would you get to the moon? Now that we have this nice giant box (courtesy of the dishwasher delivery men), we may just need to have another party devoted to the greatest invention EVER.
Does this little guy look proud in his new uniform or what? You should see his daddy’s face.
Morning Routine

I love lists. They are full of good intentions and order.I love my kids too … but the kids will never be mistaken for being orderly. They are, after all, kids. And second to speaking at ear-drum bursting decibels, they
Flower Girl
Ever since she heard that she would get to be the flower girl for her “uncle’s” wedding, my little girl has been practicing with her big sister. She practiced holding a flower with two hands. She practiced walking slowly. She
Intimidated by Ma Ingalls
We have been reading the Little House series, and I am beginning to seriously develop a complex because of Ma Ingalls. That woman must have been something else. She not only happily trekked all over the country in a covered
Jesus Loves Me
Sometimes the simplest things are my favorite. “Jesus Loves Me” is a great example. It is my all time favorite song. “Jesus Loves Me” was written as part of a story for children many years ago. It told of a