We have had a lot of snowy days lately. Unlike my big kids, usually my youngest stays in the house. She has a circulatory system that causes her to quickly prioritize her blood-flow away from her limbs, and learned the
Nice Shoes
Every girl knows that a great pair of RED pumps makes the world a happier place. You’ve just got to practice walking in them.
Ribbon Valances

I love my daughter’s ribbon valances. Every time we give house tours (which is very often because our house is rarely the same two years in a row) I enjoy showing her room specifically because of these sweet window treatments.
Filing aka. Hiding the Mess
This time of year always finds me filing. I love to be organized, although you wouldn’t know it by looking at my kitchen counters on most days. I like the newness of taking all of last years bills and financial
Another First
I can’t believe it. He waited a year and a half. The man is patient. Our oldest two they crossed this accomplishment off of their list of “firsts” within a week or so of birth, but my youngest was born
Pretty Hair
I love complicated hairstyles. I always have. Wasting an hour curling, braiding, pinning or finding ways to otherwise “fancify” hair is one of the advantages of being a girl. I remember the day I learned to french braid. I was
Can my 1 year old read?
Have you ever noticed how some things are meant to be? The stars align, paths converge, and the plans you have work out so seamlessly that you have to look twice and pinch yourself to make sure that you aren’t
Warm Comforting Friendly Chocolate
If someone offered you free chocolate you’d accept. I know you would. Don’t try to tell me any different. I wasn’t born yesterday. Hershey recently sponsored a cookie exchange promotion – and they sent me free chocolate to share with
Silent night – and day too
I have come down with a nasty virus that has left me with laryngitis. I can’t speak. I can barely squeak. My poor husband needed to know that it was bedtime for the kids so, knowing that my voice is
This little independent soul cracks me up. Honestly, I think he may be the funniest person I have ever met – or at least a close second to his daddy. He dresses like this on a regular basis; lots of