New History

Lately our family has been sick.  Not the mild cough, annoying sniffle kind of sick, but the fever induced – sleeping all day – unable to move kind of sick.  Thankfully, after nearly a week and a half, we are

12th Night

The celebration of 12th Night has become an annual tradition in our house, simply because the holidays are such a crazy, busy, time with both sides of our families, that we needed a family night to ourselves. It is a

Interview With My Kids

I was goofing off with the kids yesterday and started asking them some questions and typing the answers.  Remember the phrase “Ask a silly question, get a silly answer?”  Well it’s true, but with little kids, the silliness of the

Power Outage!

Over the past few days our state has been hit major power loss problems. First it was the ice storm, then falling trees, and now we are having a new round of outages probably caused by the process of fixing

Thoughts on Christmas Movies

There are certain movies that you have to watch at Christmas time — it’s just not Christmas without the classic Christmas Movies, but while we think of them as primarily kids’ shows, many of them are surprisingly negative. This was