Want to know what made my little girl so happy on a Saturday morning? Nope, not the fancy flower girl dress, although she loves that too. Not permission to wait to comb her hair until after breakfast. It is her
Favorite socks

Want to know what made my little girl so happy on a Saturday morning? Nope, not the fancy flower girl dress, although she loves that too. Not permission to wait to comb her hair until after breakfast. It is her
10 years old! TEN. How did that happen? Just yesterday I sat confused and shocked as my husband prayed for our first born daughter to begin breathing after she came into the world with silence. I’ve never been so happy
Simple doesn’t usually describe our birthday party preparation. My kids have a knack for choosing unusual themes like cardboard boxes and dolphin rescue – themes with no pre-printed plates or ready-made games. I have always enjoyed this. It stretches our
Bill Koch Cross Country Ski Team is the highlight of our Sunday afternoons ~ Happy kids, and happy daddy too.
Okay, so maybe some of them aren’t quite so tiny anymore. Can you believe we had 7 members of our family on the stage at the same time? Go kids! Great job!
Did you know that popcorn could last that long? I didn’t. When my husband and I got married we started our life together like most 23 year olds. Completely clueless. We were so excited to pick out our first Christmas
Creating special traditions is one of my favorite parts of being a parent. When I think back to being a kid, it is the rituals, not the gifts, that created the heart of Christmas. I remember lying under the Christmas
Parents Beware! Melt-down season is upon us. Holidays are the mortal enemy of routine, and when kids get stressed by all of the extras of the holidays, melt-downs, sometimes of epic proportions, are the inevitable result. This time of year is
We’ve had a really unusual week. Why you ask? Well, this week I saw Aerosmith Kids playing in the street …and on the roof Mitt Romney … and Kid Rock. Oh, and We also
As I listen to the breath of Hurricane Sandy beat on my windows, I sit snug in my cozy corner of the living room, editing pictures and chatting with friends on the phone. It is almost strange to think that