We all have routines – some work, some don’t. I have been working really hard lately to get things done. My big project, that I mentioned a few weeks ago, really needed my attention, but the parts and pieces were
How’s your routine treating you?

We all have routines – some work, some don’t. I have been working really hard lately to get things done. My big project, that I mentioned a few weeks ago, really needed my attention, but the parts and pieces were
Have you ever gotten so far behind on a project you were passionate about that you completely forgot about it? I have. Learning to prioritize is a skill. A hard-earned skill that I am continually working on. I think I
In this month’s issue of Impart Magazine (which, by the way, is being offered for free at the moment) I wrote about The Dirty, Messy Truth About Lesson Planning. Planning makes me happy, but you know what? Our lesson reality
It is so easy to become distracted from our highest priorities. To let the immediate project take over when we really want to put our effort into a long term goal. Homeschooling isn’t immune to this, unfortunately. While I wish
It is 8:30 on a Saturday morning and I am the only one awake. I am listening to the songbirds in the backyard and smelling the coffee brew while I sit in my favorite rocking chair and write. Pretty, aren’t
Life can be busy. Right now it is really busy for my family. We are constantly rushing from one project to the next, one place to the next, and honestly, I find myself even rushing from one thought to the
The beginning of the year always gives me great comfort. I have an entire year to look forward to, and I am not behind on anything. *yet* So, for this year I have a couple of things I’m planning to
It is Friday, and I should be: Washing the floor Assembling portfolios Cooking freezer meals Folding Laundry Calling about my mixed-up computer Cleaning up Christmas decorations Bathing the dog Paying bills Lots, lots more But instead I have been doing
I love lists. They are full of good intentions and order.I love my kids too … but the kids will never be mistaken for being orderly. They are, after all, kids. And second to speaking at ear-drum bursting decibels, they
We have only one step separating my dining room from the rest of the house, yet we should have installed a railing; a cute little railing at exactly 2 feet high. Because we don’t have this railing, my youngest, who