Getting an extra dose of TLC. I love that we get such great visitors in the garage!
Antique 1930 Ford

Getting an extra dose of TLC. I love that we get such great visitors in the garage!
A friend challenged me to keep my iPhone handy and share photos of one single day’s worth of everyday chaos that we enjoy throughout the day on Facebook. It was a fun experiment! These are the things that are so
When you find something like this in the back of the kitchen cupboard: Plymouth Rock got their patent in 1889 and trademark in 1905, so I know that it can’t be any older than 109 years old (Phew!). My best
When you spend a day watching insanely strong athletes throwing telephone poles and carrying 500lb rocks, what’s the best way to burn off energy? Rolling down the mountain of course!
Isn’t it funny how God uses our kids’ struggles to point out our own glaring issues. It is like looking in a funhouse mirror: “You’d better stop yelling or … !” Did I really just yell that? “Sweetheart, I have