We are starting to get used to this guy. Even better, he is getting used to us.
Back Again

We are starting to get used to this guy. Even better, he is getting used to us.
My heart jumped into my throat when I heard, “Mom! Mooom! Stop the car. NOW!” stage whispered from the back seat. I slammed on the brakes, knowing that it was important for me to listen, but not knowing why. Then,
It is 8:30 on a Saturday morning and I am the only one awake. I am listening to the songbirds in the backyard and smelling the coffee brew while I sit in my favorite rocking chair and write. Pretty, aren’t
Is there anything sweeter than a little child’s gift? Nature is one of our favorite parts of year-round schooling. I love watching little bare feet run through the yard and waiting to see what my kids will discover next. Sometimes
Did you ever find yourself enchanted by something that you previously ignored? I have. The subject of my particular flip-flop – birds. I know, bird watching sounds dull. It sounds about as interesting as watching grass grow. It sounds as
Okay, true confession time. I didn’t want to go on this vacation. Not even a little bit. When my husband told me that we would be going to Alaska, I said that I’d rather stay home. He said it was
After the devastation of the October snowstorms I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see any more snow, but having made it through all of November and December without a flake, I fully admit that I changed my tune. Today,
My kids come from a long line of collectors. Stamps, shells, stickers, tools, nothing is safe with us. Their daddy once even owned a stump collection (yes, STUMP, as in the bottom of a tree, and he posessed several). Each
We have been reading the Little House series, and I am beginning to seriously develop a complex because of Ma Ingalls. That woman must have been something else. She not only happily trekked all over the country in a covered
We have had a lot of snowy days lately. Unlike my big kids, usually my youngest stays in the house. She has a circulatory system that causes her to quickly prioritize her blood-flow away from her limbs, and learned the