Mexico 2016

A warm cup of hot chocolate with a candy cane slowly melting inside, Jingle Bells playing slightly too loud, and a car full of kids (and adults) ooh-ing and aah-ing over each home covered in christmas lights turns a simple
The sheer enormity of DC is inspiring, but then when you stop and look at all the details… woah! We started our vacation with a bit of a miscommunication with Congressman Guinta. His staff invited us to visit and pick up
As year-round homeschoolers, we always have lessons to get done, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t take the time to enjoy our summers. The end of the school year means that lots of opportunities open up for our family
This is our second time visiting Costa Rica, and I can easily say that it is just as wonderful as I remember it. Going with friends makes the experience even more fun. While all the adults were looking up at
Random insight into my wacky brain – I always want to spell the gorge name “quiche” I know that is an egg dish, but for some reason, I do it every.single.time.
On our trip to NY last week we stopped by the USS Ticonderoga. Behind it I happened to glimpse the most etherial home I’ve ever seen. They were entirely incongruous. Have you ever heard the story of the USS Ticonderoga?
I love living in New England, there is just so much history all around us. Next year my crew is going to be studying the Early Modern time period (the events surrounding the founding of our country) and I just
My daughter has been wishing, hoping, and praying to go to Clearwater Marine Aquarium for years. She received the book, Winter’s Tale, from her great-uncle (long before the movie came out) and was immediately captivated by the story about a