This place has earned its name. Magic, pure and simple. So full of magic that we just had to hug it. Thank you Nina and Grandpa!
Magic Kingdom

This place has earned its name. Magic, pure and simple. So full of magic that we just had to hug it. Thank you Nina and Grandpa!
Step one: Look Step two: Reach Step three: Reach just a bit too far SPLASH! Completely underwater. Sputtering. Splashing. NOT obeying the please be quiet, only touch with flat hands rule. The good news is that she is completely fine
Camp is a wonderful hide away from reality. Family history everywhere Comfy clothes trump fashion Fun nature discoveries Yummy food Time with family and friends Too bad summer is almost over. Ski season here we come! Wordless Wednesday
Traveling with kids is rewarding – and humbling. I have been dreaming of a trip to PA for several years, so when the opportunity to travel for a cousin’s wedding came up, we jumped at the chance for a long
Okay, true confession time. I didn’t want to go on this vacation. Not even a little bit. When my husband told me that we would be going to Alaska, I said that I’d rather stay home. He said it was
Well, okay, so we didn’t really move (still knee-deep in renovations as always) but there is a bit of cyber-moving happening around here. My apologies if you happen to encounter us before all the broken links and missing pictures are able to
Ever since she heard that she would get to be the flower girl for her “uncle’s” wedding, my little girl has been practicing with her big sister. She practiced holding a flower with two hands. She practiced walking slowly. She
My mind is a little mushy after traveling with little ones, so I asked my daughter to share the highlights of our trip. She happily dictated this list of “best stuff.” So according to my 7 year old, the best
My sweetie and I agree on lots of things. Politics, economics, parenting, religion, and all the other BIG debates aren’t a problem for us, but when it comes to the little things, we are sometimes exact opposites. I think cookies
Boston is known as an expensive place to visit. Just parking can cost you $35. BUT once you arrive, the city is full of free or nearly free entertainment. From the Swan-boats and “Make way for Ducklings” statues, to concerts,