The line is there. A visible reminder. It marks the boundary between the new kitchen and the unrenovated hallway. The hallway with a floor that sheds its color when it is washed. Old meets new. 1960 meets 2013 Okay, so
The Lightning
My hardworking husband had himself convinced that he bought this old wooden racing boat “only for the motor.” That didn’t last long. He can’t let a good project go to waste. We quickly went from, “Well, maybe I’ll just give
Building a RS4K Physics Playground – Lesson Plans
Summer school sounds horrible, but it is actually one of the best parts of homeschooling. Our summers are always a time for learning-adventures; practicing skills, and jumpstarting imagination as we throw ourselves headlong into a subject. This year, when I
What Silence Looks Like
We are a loud family. I can see all of you who know us IRL laughing. Okay, okay, so that was a giant understatement. We are a very loud family, or as my kind brother in-law jokingly says, we are
Imaginary Friend Bird-day Party
Pretending is the best part of being a kid. When we decorated my daughter’s room with birds a few years ago, she developed an imaginary friend named Tweet-Tweet. He flies around our house causing minor mischief, sitting on her finger or
Rhino quarrel
My kids spent the ride home debating whether the phrase “eight ate eight,” actually should be interpreted “eight eight ate.” Yeah, I’m having one of those days.
Intentional Choices
I never get everything on my to-do list done. Join the club right? I have learned to live with this reality for home repair projects and housework, but it truly irks me in regards to our homeschool. My beautiful schedule
Sunshine Yellow
What is it about birds that is so captivating?
Free FIAR stuff for kids by mail
We were invited to a shearing party at the end of the month (I love having friends who can host something as random as a shearing party!) and I decided to pull out some old materials that my kids used
Artistic Train
Some kids are just amazing. Give me a lifetime with this toy, and I still wouldn’t be able to create what my nephew did in just a few minutes. You know the punchline, right? ~ My 3 year old