
My 5 year old came to me today with this bit of insight: “I have a spewtationous problem. Naps were made in the 1960s. They could never work today, because the government . . . “ I lost it!!! He

Free water park in Boston

Boston is known as an expensive place to visit. Just parking can cost you $35. BUT once you arrive, the city is full of free or nearly free entertainment. From the Swan-boats and “Make way for Ducklings” statues, to concerts,

He Was Right

This was my primary mode of transportation before kids: Sad isn’t it. After receiving my much-loved blue Subaru (which I have since replaced, but still miss) my husband decided that we needed to keep the truck because “everyone needs a

Island Neighbors

We have a new family at the lake. Wanna’ meet them? See that island on the right?Notice the big nest. Try now.See them? Bald Eagles! One is flying, One perched on a branch to the right, and the nest is

5 years ago

THIS was what my life looked like on any typical day . . . Look how tiny my “big kids” are! Look how ridiculously small my kitchen is! Look at that terrible old flooring and the cigarette stained countertop. You

Favorite Person

There is just something about having a best friend. Someone to laugh and play with.Someone who shares your passions.Someone you want to be close to all the time.Someone to share life’s milestones with.Someone to aspire to be like and to


Last week we discovered that a robin had decided to build a nest on our wood pile. It was in a perfect location for spying on her – right at nose level so that the kids could peek in and