~ How Do Islands Form? ~ Today we started our day in a very Nim-like fashion. The kids woke their dad with squeals of “can you open our coconut!” Poor guy, and on his vacation no less. They drank some
I Can’t Believe My Eyebrows!
There are times when I see my children sweetly sleeping in their beds and I know that I am blessed. I will tuck a wisp of dark hair behind a tiny ear or pull up the blankets to cover my
Nim’s Island Lessons – Chapter 2
~ Wind ~ We started our second week of Island School today by listening to a fun live island radio station (where, btw, they have help wanted advertisements for the United States CIA clandestine services – anyone else thinking YIKES).
Easy Barn Birthday Cake
My little sis has asked for instructions on how to make a barn shaped cake for my nephew’s birthday. When my own little boy had his first birthday (it seems like a lifetime ago now) I decided to go with
Urachal what???
We traveled to Boston for our 11 week-old’s urachal surgery on Friday, and she is back home and doing well after an exhausting 15 hour day. The procedure took longer than we originally expected, but with great results – it did
Nim’s Island Activities – Chapter 1
~ The Tropics ~ We have been looking forward to the Currclick live class about Nim’s Island for quite a while now. Unfortunately, the first posting is later than I expected, so we decided to “wing-it” on our own this
4 Year Old Fashion
My son has become a fashion curiosity lately. He is currently wearing lederhosen. And he is happy. Not just a little happy, but that 4-year-old thrilled-with-everything-life-has-to-offer kind of happy. He is happy because his outfit has green piping (his favorite color).
A new cousin
Ain’t she cute!?!
Cleaning rust marks
{I’ve now received quite a few e-mails telling me that my blog has been hacked – the reality is that this really is me, Sheryl mom of 3 and wife to Pete, and I wrote this annoying product advertisement all
Enjoying the Lake
I love the funny way that babies look when you scrunch them into a lifejacket – and holding them is even funnier. It is like trying to hold a giant wiggly basketball on your lap. Not the easiest of tasks.