I love my dad’s sense of humor, especially when it comes to creative gift wrapping involving rolls of duct tape. I love that my dad would often spend half of his lunch hour driving just so that he could spend
“The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents.” John J. Plomp
Crying in the Rain
Stubbornness runs in our family. Honestly. There is an infamous story about my husband sitting on the porch as a child, n@ked, in below freezing weather. He was so intent on doing things his own way that he wrapped his
A Rainy Day
Remember last week when I was reminiscing about childhood fun with maple helicopters? Well, they aren’t fun as anymore. This morning I was walking from my kitchen to the dining room when I felt a large SPLAT on the
First Baby Smile
This little lady brightens up my day. For a while now she has been smiling with her eyes only – she opens them wide when she makes eye contact with us and they seem to sparkle. Her mouth was a
Maple Tree "Helicopters"
Leanne over on the FIAR boards has just begun a weekly Nature Study challenge with the goal of getting all of us outdoors to focus on and enjoy God’s creation all around us. This week the topic is to choose
Sleep (and the lack of it)
It’s not enough to say that I should sleep when the baby sleeps – it’s not even enough to believe it and give myself permission to sleep(which I desperately struggle with). What I really need to do is SCHEDULE “Mommy
They can’t ALL be good days
New Bike
Okay, so it’s not quite new . . . we got it for free . . . from the dump . . . and it needed a few repairs . . . but it is PERFECT for my son. (No
Our town had it’s annual parade this past weekend. We are lucky enough to live directly on the route, and have enjoyed this fun tradition since moving here. Each year as the kids get older, they have become more excited