My goal for our summer is always to find one great book that we can read SLOWLY and savor all of the greatness that the author took the time to include. Nim’s Island by Wendy Orr is one of my
Nim’s Island Literature Adventure – overview

My goal for our summer is always to find one great book that we can read SLOWLY and savor all of the greatness that the author took the time to include. Nim’s Island by Wendy Orr is one of my
~ Learning about the author, Wendy Orr ~ As a final wrap up to our summer book group, the kids were asked to write a letter to the author of Nim’s Island, Wendy Orr. Kids are so creative. One wrote it
~ Preparing for Emergencies ~ “The birds say there’s a storm coming. GO TO THE EMERGENCY CAVE.” It is vital that children know how to respond to emergancy situations. Sometimes we get specific instructions, like Jack’s warning to Nim above,
~ Understanding Fear ~ Fear can either protect or paralyze us. In these two chapters of Nim’s Island, and in real life this week, we learned about the difference. Nim is kid, on an island . . . alone. She
~Bioluminescent Plankton~ Well, it has been a hard week here in our house. I have had some pretty severe hip problems that we still haven’t completely figured out (not a pinched nerve, not a broken bone, not a hernia), but thankfully
~ Galileo the frigate bird & Galileo the scientist~ Nim’s friend Galileo is a unique bird. Although he is a tropical sea bird and feeds primarily on fish, frigates are uniquely designed to be lousy swimmers. Their legs are short,
~ Endangered Green Sea Turtles ~ Animals are irresistible, and the fantasy of becoming close friends with a sea turtle has captivated my daughter. She has been on her belly in the middle of my living room playing with her
~ How Do Islands Form? ~ Today we started our day in a very Nim-like fashion. The kids woke their dad with squeals of “can you open our coconut!” Poor guy, and on his vacation no less. They drank some
~ Wind ~ We started our second week of Island School today by listening to a fun live island radio station (where, btw, they have help wanted advertisements for the United States CIA clandestine services – anyone else thinking YIKES).
~ The Tropics ~ We have been looking forward to the Currclick live class about Nim’s Island for quite a while now. Unfortunately, the first posting is later than I expected, so we decided to “wing-it” on our own this