Loosing a pet is never easy. Our family has always had a tradition of hanging the tags of former pets on our Christmas tree. It is a bit silly, but even more than grave markers or paw-prints, it is these
Pet Memorial Ornament

Loosing a pet is never easy. Our family has always had a tradition of hanging the tags of former pets on our Christmas tree. It is a bit silly, but even more than grave markers or paw-prints, it is these
My 17 year old “puppy.” She will be dearly missed.
Lyme disease caused my oldest’s face to become temporarily paralyzed a few years ago. This isn’t a disease to take lightly. Early spring is especially dangerous because tick nymphs are TINY. Be vigilant!
Step one: Look Step two: Reach Step three: Reach just a bit too far SPLASH! Completely underwater. Sputtering. Splashing. NOT obeying the please be quiet, only touch with flat hands rule. The good news is that she is completely fine
My boy must be trying to keep up with his uncle. Herb was in the emergency room this week for a scratched cornea, so guess what happened today…My guy decided to try to set off a ring of 8 caps
By sharing this story I am going to inevitably make myself look like an absolute moron, so in my own defense let me start with a quick disclaimer: I have been sick with the world’s worst stomach flu for the